onsdag 6 juni 2018

Bowl of Beauty

Denna pionen har stått i trädgården sedan 2014. Och vägrat att blomma. Men så i år slänger den ur sig 14 blommor. Bara sådär. Trädgården kan sannerligen vara en övning i tålmodig väntan, dock snabbt glömd när man får denna belöningen!

This peony has been growing in the garden since 2014. And refused flowering. Until this year when it all of a sudden decides to sprout 14 flowers just like that! Gardening is definitely an exercise in patient waiting, although all forgotten when you get this reward!

5 kommentarer:

  1. Your Peonies are spectacular; well worth waiting for.

  2. I think it was worth the wait. Peonies are one of my favorite. Enjoy the blooms. They're beautiful!
    xx Beca

  3. Oh my goodness, these are perfection!!! Absolutely beautiful - well worth the wait! xxx
