fredag 19 maj 2017

När det fungerar/When it works

  - inomhus. Citronkärnan som jag planterade för ett par år sedan börjar äntligen förvandlas till ett litet citronträd.

 - indoors. The lemon pip I planted a few years ago is finally starting to turn into a little lemon tree.

 - utomhus. Vi var tvugna att flytta våra irisar, de är egentligen på sin vi-planterar-dem-här-sålänge-plats, men det blev oväntat fint med rosen så de får vara kvar.

- outside. We had to move our irises, they are actually planted on their let's-just-plant-them-here-for-now-place, but it turned out to be so unexpectedly pretty with the rose so they will have to stay.

Idag har jag läst om trädgårdar och plantering, så det inspirerade lite pyssel med mina plantor.

I have today  reading about gardens and planring, this inspired me to potter with my plants a bit.

Tack för besöket!
Thank you for visiting!

3 kommentarer:

  1. The irises look lovely with the roses! They must definitely stay! Our climbing roses we bought are growing really well. No sign of roses yet - but I don't know whether I should expect them to flower this year or another year - hmm, maybe more research needed, we just shoved them in the ground!

    I can't believe that little lemon tree has grown from a pip - that's amazing!! xx

  2. The lemon tree is cute.. I also planted avocado seeds last year.. now they are growing..

    1. I am trying with the avocado pips as well, but they do not seem to want to play yet. Lucky you having succeeded! Anna x
