tisdag 23 april 2019
Sista Minuten/Last Minute
Tre små påskharar var ett oväntat men välkommet sista minuten virk över påskhelgen. På bilden syns den gul/orange varianten, men jag virkade även en grön/rosa och en korall/rosa variant. De prydde verkligen sin plats i påskriset (om än kort!) Tack Maria för länk. Vill du virka egna harar finns mönstret här!
Idag fick jag en påse frön av Rosenskära Sensation Mixed som jag satte direkt i en stor lerkruka. Tanken är att de ska stanna där och blomma i krukan. Vi får se hur det går.
Three little Easter bunnies was an unexpected but of course welcome last minute crochet project this Easter week-end. On the picture the yellow/orange, but I also made a green/pink and a coral/pink. The all looked very cute hanging in the Easter tree, although for a short period. Thank you Maria for the link. If you fancy making your own little bunny you can find the pattern here!
Today I got a bag of Cosmos Sensation Mixed seeds. I planted them straight into a large clay pot. The idea is they will stay and flower there. We will see if it works.
Aww!! cute little bunny!
SvaraRaderaOh my Anna, your little bunny is oozing fun and prettiness! Your bunny has sprinkled sunshine into my day. Thank you for sharing the link with us♥
SvaraRaderaLovely !!!!!!!!!
SvaraRaderaHave a shinny day !
So sweet, Anna! I hope you had a lovely Easter weekend.
So very cute! You're welcome - maybe next year I'll make some myself! They are the perfect little easter project. xx